The place I love the most!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Been a while!

Jamee has inspired me, although I am sure I will suck just as bad at blogging this time. 

Last time I blogged I was in Thatcher, dating and staying up all night. Well my friends, a lot has changed in the last THREE years! I lost 20 pounds and got a hair cut. Instead of sleeping next to Kelci on the love sac, I now sleep next to Josh. I am married and I would like to go to bed around 8:30, but Josh won't let me. 

Let me just say that being married is the exact opposite of being single. You knew that right? Well I didn't. I always thought that it was going to be pretty similar, except you got to sleep next to someone at night. I hope I don't sound like I hate being married, quite the opposite...  I LOVE IT! Cooking for two is much easier than cooking for one... or so they say. I don't really know because before I got married I just ate out for every meal. I have got to experiment in the kitchen a bit, oh and I have learned to cook too ;) 
Ok on the more serious side... I am finally going to graduate. It only took me 7 years to get a 4 year degree. I have my cap n gown, my tassel, and my cords. (In case you didn't know you get cords if your really smart and get good grades). My cords are gold and I am graduating at Magna Cum Laude. I almost got maroon cords but my GPA was .03 points off. LAMEO! I blame Josh, the only semester I didn't get straight A's was the first semester we started dating. Oh well though, no one really cares in the real world. Well thats all for now folks. Stay tuned.