The place I love the most!

Monday, November 10, 2008

A date to remember

My roommate Kelci and I were asked on a double date. I went with a guy named Jaylen and she went with a guy named Marc. The plans were to go bowling at 4:30 and then out to eat at the famous China Taste (ok so its not famous... but for Thatcher it is). Well turns out Wednesday night is league night, so no bowling. We spent the next hour sitting in the car trying to figure out what to do. We finally decided on a bon fire and watching a scary movie in an old abandoned house. I think Kelci and I were trying to prove to each other how brave we both were ( we both hate scary movies). It only took two hours to get ready for it. So we are driving out to this date ok. So we got out there and started our fire and started to make smores. W abandoned house and we get lost. So by the time we found it, it was 8:30... so far it has been a four hourell after sticking our smores in the fire it got super hot and we had a hard time getting them out. We finally got them out. Kelci and Marc's weren't even melted and Jaylen and mine were burnt!!!!! Jalyen then lit off a couple of Sobe bombs and was pretty close to the fire... for a moment we thought that he might have lost his eyebrows or goatee, but thankfully he didn't. It was after midnight when we finally got home... Which is a record for my longest date ever... it lasted over 8 hours.


Well everyone else is doing this, so I guess I will too. I have spent the last three months living in Thatcher Arizona attending Eastern Arizona College... and can I just tell you that it has been the most uncomfortable three months of my life. I have had to step out of my comfort zone pretty much everyday since I moved here. Everyone knows that I like what is comfortable and normal and there has been nothing comfortable or normal about college life.
I have been dating a lot. I have been on some interesting dates with some interesting people. For example... I went on a date where we played cards and dice games in a post office. Another one where we played paper rock scissors for two hours at a park, while eating pizza. In an abandoned house I made my date a hemp bracelet and beat him in a five decker peanut butter and jelly sandwich eating contest. I have gone on scavenger hunts, star gazing, and t-shirt decorating dates.
College life has sure messed with my sleeping habits. I went from getting about 8 or 9 hours of sleep to getting 4 if I am lucky... There has even been days where I went to work without sleeping at all the night before (made for some pretty miserable days). I usually go to bed around 2 or 3... which wouldn't be so bad except that I usually work at 5:30 in the morning. Oh by the way I work at Sonic and yeah we have great drinks. Go happy hour!!!!
So funny story. I went to this bonfire and it was huge. There was tons of people there and I knew about 4 of them and none of them very well. So I am standing on one side of the fire talking to this person that I barely know... when I spot someone I really know on the other side of the fire. Well I got pretty excited and sorta started to skip around the fire to him... Well what kind of a party would it be if I didn't do something to embarrass myself. So yeah I tripped over part of the fire and almost fell in. Thankfully I didn't but I fell flat on my back in front of like 60 people that I didn't know. I just laid there for a minute trying to think of something to do... I hopped up before anyone could help me and took a bow... Everyone was laughing at me and for the rest of the night whenever I met someone new they would ask "aren't you the girl that fell?" Then they would laugh.